Term and Condition

Agreements of www.technosafar.com

The following are the Agreements for the Utilization of www.technosafar.com. Kindly read these cautiously. Assuming you want to reach us with respect to any part of the accompanying terms of the purpose of our site, kindly get in touch with us at the accompanying email address – technosafar@gmail.com.

By getting to the substance of www.technosafar.com ( from this point forward alluded to as the site ) you consent to the agreements set out thus and furthermore acknowledge our Security Strategy. On the off chance that you don’t consent to any of the agreements, you shouldn’t keep on utilizing the Site and leave right away.

You concur that you will not involve the site for any unlawful purposes and that you will regard every appropriate regulation and guideline.

You make a deal to avoid involving the site in a manner that might debilitate the presentation, bad or control the substance or data accessible on the site or lessen the general usefulness of the site.

You make a deal to avoid compromising the security of the site or endeavor to get to tied down the region of the site or endeavor to get to any delicate data you might accept exist on the site or server where it is facilitated.

You consent to be completely answerable for any case, cost, misfortunes, obligation, costs including legitimate expenses caused by us emerging from any encroachment of the agreements in this arrangement and to which you will have concurred assuming you keep on utilizing the site.

The generation, conveyance in some techniques whether on the web or disconnected is totally denied. The work on the site and the pictures, logos, text, and other such data is the property of www.technosafar.com ( except if generally expressed ).


However, we endeavor to be totally precise in the data that is introduced on our website and endeavor to stay up with the latest as could really be expected, at times, a portion of the data you find on the site might be somewhat obsolete.

www.technosafar.com maintains all authority to make any changes or redresses to the data you track down on the site whenever without notification.

Change to the Agreements of Purpose

We claim all authority to make changes and to overhaul the previously mentioned Agreements of purpose.