Organic Traffic

Don’t Worry For Organic Traffic in 2023 – You Must Know

How to Increase Organic Traffic to Our Website?

When we give 100 percent to our blog but even then Organic Traffic does not come to our blog then we get disappointed, in this situation, many bloggers leave blogging too.

If you are facing the same problem then today’s article is going to be very important for you. Because through this article I am going to tell you the way to Increase Traffic organically on Blog.

Without Traffic organically, you cannot earn from the blog. In this article, I have told you about 7 such ways to make it possible for your blog so that you will not face short of traffic.

So friends, without taking much of your time, let’s start this article, and know more about It in detail.

Increase Organic Traffic in Blog 2023
Increase Organic Traffic in Blog 2023


What is Organic Traffic?

It is the traffic that comes directly from the search engine result page (SERP) of a website.

When the user does some of his Query in search engines like “Google”, “Bing”, etc., then a result page is generated in response to that Query, and there are some websites (usually 10) in it. When the user visits any one of those websites, that website gets organic traffic.

Organic Traffic is very powerful, if your website is ranked on a Keyword that has a good search volume, then you can get traffic in million.

To get traffic, it is also very important for you to have good knowledge of SEO. You can learn SEO very easily by reading articles in the SEO category of our blog.

Why is organic traffic important?

Many people also have this question that why it is necessary, we can also bring traffic from Paid traffic or social media to our blog. But friends, it is very important to have organic traffic on a blog, below I have told you some benefits of organic traffic so that you can understand the importance of organic traffic.

  • It is free, for this, you do not have to make any payment.
  • You get a Targeted Audience. Like this blog of mine is related to Blogging, then only those people who come to my blog want to learn to blog.
  • You can get unlimited traffic.
  • It is important to earn from Google AdSense because sometimes problems like Ad Limits arise due to more traffic received through social media.
  • Being a targeted audience, you can also earn through affiliate marketing.
  • The authority of your blog increases.

Apart from this, there are many benefits of organic traffic.

7 Best Ways to  Increase Organic Traffic to Website

I have told you 7 ways to increase organic traffic on the blog. If you follow the methods mentioned in the article, then definitely organic traffic will increase on your blog as well. However, even after following the methods mentioned in the article, you will definitely take a few months to get organic traffic to the blog. So let’s know which are those methods –

#1 – Increase Organic Traffic from Google Ranking

Google Ranking is the most powerful way to increase organic traffic to the blog. If your website ranks in the Top 3 of the Search Engine Result Page (SERP) on a Query or Keyword, then a lot of organic traffic will come to your website. Although it also depends on the search volume of the keyword, and how much traffic you will get.

But the question comes, how to bring the blog to the Top 3 in SERP?

By the way, Google has many ranking factors by which it gives ranking to any blog in SERP. But Google focuses the most on User Experience. That is, the user who is coming to your website through Google should get a satisfactory answer to his question. If the user is happy with the content of your website, then Google itself will promote your website.

To give a satisfactory answer to a user’s query, you have to understand Search Intent well and focus on Quality Content. Along with Quality Content, you also have to create SEO-friendly blog posts so that even search engine crawlers can understand your content.

#2 – Bring Organic Traffic from People Also Ask

Organic Traffic
People also ask


Whenever you search for some Query in Google, you see a section of People Also Ask after 3-4 results, which has the format of Question-Answer (as in the image above). If you open each and every question, you will find that different websites are ranking here.

If you cover these topics in your blog post, then you will also get organic traffic from the section of People Also Ask. To bring traffic from here, you can write your blog post in Q&A format or use FAQ Schema in the blog.

#3 – Bring traffic from Google Web Stories

If you are not making Google Web Stories in today’s time, then it can be your biggest mistake because Google itself is promoting Web Stories. Many bloggers are getting a lot of traffic through Google Web Stories.

Web Story appears in Google Discover Feed, in Web Stories, you can give a link to your blog post. If even one of your web stories comes in Discover then you will get a lot of organic traffic. You can also earn by placing AdSense ads in Web Stories. I myself am taking Organic Traffic from Google Web Stories.

Google Web Story
Google Web Story

#4 – Increase Organic Traffic from Google Question Hub

The Google Question Hub tool has been provided by Google to the publisher and content creator. If you are the owner of a blog then you can join Google Question Hub for free.

In Google Question Hub, you will find many such topics or questions on any subject, about which people search on Google, but no one has written about it.

You can write a blog post on these questions and submit the link to the post in response to the questions in Google Question Hub. Also, you can put a link to your relevant post in response to a question.

You also get good organic traffic from Google Question Hub and at the same time, your time for researching your content is also saved.

#5 – Bring Organic Traffic from Google Discover

When you open Google’s application on mobile, you will get to see articles, web stories, and short videos here, this is Google’s Feed named Google Discover. In Google Discover, Google suggests content according to the user’s interest, and the user can read them by clicking on them.

If your article comes in Google Discover, then you will get so much traffic that you cannot even imagine. However, you will need a lot of hard work to bring your article to Google Discover, and you will also have to build your trust in Google. To build trust in Google, you should know about algorithms like Google EAT.

#6 – Bring Organic Traffic from Google Image

In Google search, you will see the image section below the search bar, you can also get organic traffic from Google by getting your image ranked here. To get the image ranked, you have to do Image SEO.

In fact, many users like to see the image, due to which Google shows the relevant image from the user’s search query in the image search. When the user clicks on the image, he can also visit the website which has published the image. So in this way, you can also get Organic Traffic through images.

You must use at least 1 image in each of your articles and use the Relevant Alt Tag of the image, with this your images will also rank in image search and you will get organic traffic.

#7 – Bring Organic Traffic from Google News

You can also bring Organic Traffic to the blog through Google News. It is not necessary that you to create a new website to bring the blog to Google News. According to the interest of the user, almost all Niche blogs can appear in Google News. If your website comes in Google News then you will get a lot of organic traffic from here.

To bring the blog to Google News, first, you have to take the approval of Google News and then you have to publish posts regularly. Google shows your article in Google News according to the quality of your content.

FAQ: How to Increase Organic Traffic in Blog

Q – How long does it take for organic traffic to come to the blog?

It takes at least 5 – 6 months for organic traffic to come to a new blog, but it also depends on the consistency of your work, your keywords, and your strategy.

Q – What is organic traffic in a blog?

Such traffic that a website gets for free from search engines is called organic traffic.

Read this article also –

Last word

Through this article, we have given you complete information about How to Increase Organic Traffic in your Blog, we have full hope that if you follow the methods mentioned in the article, then organic traffic will also come to your blog and you will be able to earn from blogging.

That’s all in this article, hope you liked this article, you should also share this article with other people through social media and also help them in bringing organic traffic to the blog.

Thank you for reading the article till the end.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Best interview coach

    Thankyou for providing me such type of information.With the help of this article i got alot of informations

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Kunal Gaurav

👉 Kunal Gaurav, a prolific author behind the “Technosafar” Digital Marketing Blog, passionately delves into a diverse range of topics including SEO, Google Ads, SMO, SEM, SMM, Adsense, Affiliate Marketing, Hosting, Domain, and SEO Tools and Many More. With insightful expertise, Kunal crafts engaging posts that illuminate the intricate nuances of digital marketing, empowering readers to navigate the ever-evolving online landscape.