Video Marketing Strategy
Video Marketing Strategy

Can’t Escape These Best Video Marketing Strategy in 2024

What Is Video Marketing? How To Increase Business With Video Marketing?

Today, we are going to talk about such a Video marketing strategy, by which you can implement and attract the attention of your customers in the first 8 seconds. 

The most important thing in marketing is to understand Human Psychology and then on its basis create the right marketing strategy for your business. 

Yes, we are talking about Video Marketing. 

If you also want to know what is Video Marketing then stay with us in this blog. 

Here, we will discuss about Video Marketing Strategies.

Today, any person can maintain his attention or say attention only for 8 seconds. 

We have to be patient while reading any written text or written content, we have to give time to understand that thing. 

With Videos, now the same thing has become easy. 

As technology is affecting humans, dependency on technology is increasing, in the same way our capacity to take care is decreasing. 

Promotion or marketing of your business using images and written media is not efficient nowadays. do you know why? 

Because people prefer Live Streaming and Interactive Videos more than Blogs or Graphics. 

This means that all brands are now realizing the importance of video.

If you have not included videos in your marketing strategies, then you are behind your competitors. 

Before implementing Video Marketing in Business, let’s understand Video Marketing. 

Video Marketing
Video Marketing

What is video marketing?

Video marketing is the use of videos to promote your business or inform users about products. 

You can use videos on social media, advertisements, video sharing websites, your own website, and many other platforms. Video marketing helps you to increase your reach with a new way of communication. 

Let’s Discuss Its Importance Now. 

Why is video marketing important?

The launch of YouTube in 2005 can be characterized as the birth of video marketing. 

Google bought it in 2006. 

Similar websites came into this industry and by 2009 we had about seven more platforms like YouTube.

Making videos today is not a challenging task. Hence, it gained the attraction of Digital Marketers, Content Creators, Entrepreneurs, Startups and many other businesses. 

Apart from this, in today’s time, everyone uses a Smartphone. Therefore, Video Creation and Video Content Consuming is more convenient than ever for everyone.

You would be surprised to know that the average time spent watching online videos is 19 hours. 

Therefore, ignoring video marketing is not a bright idea, especially if you want to take your business to new heights.

Creating video content for video marketing is the base. 

There are some rules of content creation that you have to keep in mind before creating any kind of content. 

Know what are those rules in this blog.

promotional videos
promotional videos

1. Videos get More Social shares

Videos are perfect for increasing customer engagement as it is one of the most popular content types on social media platforms. Apart from YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Veoh, Dtube and Metacafe are also Considerable Video Sharing Platforms. 

Launched in 2003, Metacafe is older than YouTube.

Did you know that users on Pinterest watch approximately one billion videos per day? 

Social media giants like Facebook and Instagram are also promoting video content. 

Also, there are many apps for creating and sharing videos. 

Apart from this, there are many websites where you can create video ads (like Linkedin) and promote your brand.

Before promoting content on Social Media Platforms, it is important to understand Social Media Platforms and their Working.

Know about Social Media Platforms in this blog.

Video SEO
Video SEO


2. Makes Your Video SEO Efforts Efficient and Improves Conversion Rate

Video marketing is important in digital marketing because videos improve the search engine ranking of your website. 

Plus, they reduce the bounce rate because users spend more time on your web pages. 

This is the reason why almost 86 percent of digital marketing experts use videos as a tool to improve their Video SEO efforts.

Be sure to read this Ultimate SEO Guide to know how Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can impact your business.

3. Can reach consumers effectively

There are Topmost Consumers of Videos on Smartphones Users 

According to Facebook, 1.5 times more users watch videos on smartphones than on computers every day. 

About 90 Percent of Smartphone Users Watch Online Videos. 

So, Shouldn’t You Include Video Marketing In Your Digital Marketing Efforts?

Many times we do digital marketing but our efforts do not give any special results. 

Watch this video to know why this happens.

4. Perfect Tool to Build Credibility of Business

You can make many types of videos to attract new customers. 

For example, if you are a digital marketer, you can make videos about online marketing, search engine optimization, on and off-page SEO, etc. 

Informative videos help online users to learn, which increases their trust in you.

You can start making videos with lots of free tools available on the Internet. Therefore, creating a high-quality video marketing strategy does not have to be expensive. In other words, you can create a trust without investing a huge amount.

Users can watch your videos on multiple channels including Streaming Platforms, Social Media Engines or any other website. Therefore, you can reach more potential customers.

You can create Explanatory Videos about your Brand and Products, which is better than Graphics and Text. 

Your videos can also tell users how to use your services or products. 

In other words, videos give you many additional options to engage your customers.

Leads can be generated for your business by video marketing, Reach and Awareness can be created, as well as Sales can be increased through Paid Ads. 

All this is possible when you create a Digital Ecosystem for your business. 

Read this blog to learn about the Digital Ecosystem.

Why did video marketing become popular?

Videos are one of the best content types to attract and retain the attention of your potential customers. This is one reason for Video Marketing being popular. 

Along with this, our dependence on social media – whether it is for entertainment or for any other purpose. 

Social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook are extremely popular, especially among smartphone users. These Social Media Websites promote Videos, which means that if your Content is Informative and Attractive then you easily get new Subscribers and Buyers.

Creating high-quality videos is no longer a tough task. Canva , Animoto and many online tools are available.

Websites like Multiple Famous Video video-sharing platforms like YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Twitch, etc. provide a solid base to acquire new customers.

How to strengthen your hold on YouTube, YouTube SEO, yes, know how to do SEO of YouTube Videos in  this blog .

How to Do Video Marketing?

Videos have been made, but How to video marketing?

If this question is in your mind, then in this section we are going to talk about this topic. 

In Video Marketing, videos are created and marketed according to your Marketing Campaign Objective and Marketing Strategy. 

Talking about some examples, Brand Awareness, Product Launches, Special Sale Offers, etc. 

The biggest advantage of Digital Video Marketing is Real Time Data Tracking. 

You can track engagement in real time.  

Video Marketing is only one aspect of Digital Marketing. To improve your Search Engine Rankings, you have to include other parts of Digital Marketing as well.

Read  this blog to know the Top Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Marketing .

We can understand in Four Steps how Video Marketing works: 

  • Research the Subject / Topic / Story that you want to describe in the video. We have written an In-Depth Blog on Content Research so that you will be able to understand the science of Content Research.
  • Make a video using clear and crisp sentences. Before making any video, it is necessary to prepare its script. In this, you can move forward by using Best Practices of Effective Content Creation. This blog will help you in writing the script of the video .
  • Share video on all platforms to attract your potential customers. Before sharing videos, prepare a content plan, create a content marketing strategy and work under it.Know what is Content Planning in this blog . Also, if you read  this blog to create a Content Marketing Strategy for your business.
  • Digital Marketing Industry and its Implementation know why it is developing so fast? Because it allows Real Time Data Analysis and Tracking Metrics.Today, every platform provides the facility to track data and this is the main differentiator factor between traditional marketing and digital marketing.Analyzing data shows which video marketing campaigns are performing well and which need to be reviewed or tweaked. Read  this blogto know how Digital Marketing Data Analysis works .

Before starting Video Marketing Campaigns, it is important to understand that you have to create Video Content based on the Objectives of your Video Marketing Campaigns. 

Now let’s understand the types of videos. 

1. Brand Videos

You must have seen many Interesting Video Clips on YouTube.

Generally, these videos focus on the top quality or USP of a brand or product. 

Such videos are made using beautiful scenes and are the most common.

Apart from YouTube, you must have seen commercial ads on your television or any streaming device. These videos have been created with the sole purpose of attracting new customers. Therefore, they only provide important and relevant information.

Commercials are 30 seconds long and can go up to 60 seconds. These videos are generally made for Television and Premium Advertisements. You can also use them on your website to explain your brand and vision. 

If a video or commercial is well made, then the advertisement can stay in the mind of your potential customers for many years to come. 

2. Advertising Videos

Ad Videos is one of the popular Video Marketing Strategies because it highlights all the features of your business like any of your product or service. 

Such videos promote your services or products to attract new customers.

Keep advertising videos short to keep your potential customers attentive. 

You can share or broadcast these video clips on multiple video sharing platforms including YouTube, Facebook, Hulu, and Instagram.

Advertising Videos should be Catchy because through these Videos you generate Leads for your Business. Try to deliver such videos in an efficient, quick and attractive manner.

The more effective your Ad Videos are, the more are the chances of generating Leads. 

If you want to do Lead Generation for your business then read  this blog .

3. Social Content Videos

Available Short Video Clips in the form of Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts are in trend nowadays. 

These videos are Engaging and Playful. That’s why many users share them.

You can create social content videos to showcase your products and their features. You can also record brief interviews or quotes about your services and products. Apart from this, you can create a lot of Social Content Videos made of Lifestyle Shots.

You must have seen social content videos on popular social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook. Due to their short length and engaging content, short video clips can attract lots of new customers to your business.

You can Showcase the Unique Aspects of your Products or Features in the Brief. Don’t forget to highlight the positive testimonials of the customers in the clip.

Learn how to create Content Strategy for Social Media Platforms in  this blog .

4. Product Videos

Demonstration of products helps your audience to connect with your brand. 

If you have a best selling or flagship product and you want to tell the world about it, then product videos are the best way. 

To attract more customers, you can showcase all the top features of your products in such videos. 

Showcase the beauty, style and utility of your products to attract new customers. Highlight the features that make your product better than competitors.

The average time of product videos is 30 seconds. You can share them on your Websites, Social Media Platforms and Email. 

Email Marketing also plays an important role in your Digital Marketing Strategy. 

Read this blog to understand in detail about Email Marketing .

5. Testimonial Videos

Testimonials provided by your existing customers are appealing because they can relate to the emotions of your potential customers. 

Testimonial videos show why someone chose your product, what features they enjoy, why your product is useful to their business, what they like about your brand, and more.

Try to create Authentic Testimonial Videos. 

In other words, don’t use script. Instead, let your customer’s original words do the needful.

You can use testimonial videos to show the customer journey of existing customers.

For example, you can show what problems a person is facing, how your products or services helped them and how your product or service has a positive impact on their professional or personal life. 

6. Company Culture Videos

Today, watching Inside Stories or simply saying Behind The Scenes Shots are quite popular. 

When you Showcase your Team and Company Culture in front of the Audience, then your Audience is also able to relate to you and starts showing more interest in your Company. 

This is where Culture Videos come into the picture. Such Video Clips give Human Feel to your Brand.

Mentioning your company values ​​through videos helps users understand why your brand is better than others. 

You can choose many Subjects and Topics for such videos. 

For example, in such videos you can discuss how well you treat your employees, you use sustainable materials for manufacturing your products, and many more.

Customers want to know the company before investing their money on a brand. 

Therefore, if you use Company Culture Videos efficiently, you can increase your Customer Conversion Rate. 

Apart from this, these Video Clips also help you in Attracting New Talents.

7. Educational Videos

Educational videos are one of the best ways to promote customer engagement.  

These videos are similar to blogs and their motive is also the same, to inform and educate the audience about a particular subject.  

To make such videos, you select those keywords which align with your business. By making Enjoyable and Informative Videos, you can target Relevant Customers. 

Read  this blog to understand the Keyword Selection Process in detail .

Apart from customer engagement, educational videos also increase the credibility of your business. If users looking for product awareness find your videos as a knowledge source, they start trusting you. 

This trust ultimately increases the conversion rate of your business.

Till now in this blog we have understood that what is Video Marketing and Video Marketing Kaise Kaam Karti Hai. 

Before implementing Video Marketing, it is necessary to pay attention to all aspects of Video Marketing. 

In the next section, we will focus on Video Marketing Benefits and Limitations. 

Video Marketing Benefits & Limitations

Before implementing Video Marketing, it is important to understand how it can work for your business, what are Video Marketing Benefits and what are Video Marketing Limitations if any

Benefits of video marketing

1. Video attracts more attention

An informative and creative video keeps your potential customers engaged till the end. Therefore, they increase your conversion rate. 

On an average, about 37 percent of viewers watch videos till the end. If videos are less than 90 seconds, this number goes up to 50 percent.

Here is another useful information for you – Most of the users using Social Media Platforms prefer to watch Videos many times more than any other Content Type including Images, Newsletters, Blogs. 

Therefore, video marketing can be an efficient way of promoting and marketing your business online.

2. Provides International popularity

If you make Top Notch Videos according to your Video Marketing Strategy, then the chances of your Videos becoming Viral increases, your business related information can reach people all over the country and the world. 

With High-Quality Videos, you can close Deals many times through Videos only. This boosts sales, increases the conversion rate and your business is being promoted. 

3. Offers Versatility for Multimedia

Videos are perfect for showcasing all types of media. 

In Videos, you can include Relevant Charts, Graphs, Scenes, Animation and many more. 

In other words, you have the freedom to use different types of components to make the video attractive, informative and memorable. 

Apart from this, you can add background score to enhance the experience of your potential customers, you provide flexibility of tone, style and message in videos.

4. Increases Customer Engagement and Conversion Rate

Adding video clips significantly increases the conversion rate of your business. 

Videos get maximum engagement as compared to other content types. 

With this, the reach of video marketing is about 8 percent more than any other social media post type.

Here comes the good news. You can increase the Conversion Rate up to 80 Percent by adding Informative, Creative and Attractive Videos on your Landing Page. 

Also, video clips increase the open rate of your email by more than 19 percent. The conversion rate from YouTube videos increases by 150 percent every year.

5. Video Marketing Is More Effective Than Other Content Types

Videos will dominate all other content types in the future. 

This means, it may happen that you do not see much written content on Social Media Platforms And Other Websites. 

This can easily happen because YouTube is the second most popular website after Google. 

Facebook, Instagram and other similar platforms are already promoting videos. Snapchat users watch over 7 million videos every minute.

6. Compatible with Portable Devices

Smartphone users watch a lot of videos. 

Consumption of Mobile Videos increases by 100 Percent every year. Therefore, you can increase the conversion rate by creating eye-catching videos for portable devices. 

Videos are compatible with all such portable gadgets including Smartphones, Tablets and Notebooks. 

With this, you can connect with a wide range of online users.

7. Provides real-time data

You can see how many users watched your videos. You can also see their location and the time they spend watching your videos. Apart from this, you can also know the Feedback on your Videos. Based on these statistics, you can create your video marketing strategy according to the preferences of your audience.

Where there are so many benefits of Video Marketing, on the other hand it also has some Limitations, let us bring Video Marketing Disadvantages so that you should keep these Factors in mind before making a Video Marketing Strategy. 

Limitations of Video Marketing

1. Cost & Time Constraint

Unlike blogs and graphics, videos have multiple components. 

Script Writing, Storyboard Plotting, Crew Cost, Microphone, Camera and other equipment demand significant investment. 

Even if you prefer to DIY, the process of making videos takes time.

Creating a high-quality video involves several phases, including pre-production, production, and post-production. It may take you several days and even weeks to make Stylish, Creative and Informative Videos. 

Skipping the basics and details of video marketing may not provide the expected results. 

So, you need enough time to cover all the bases.

2. Users can skip Ads

As we discussed earlier, low-quality videos cannot provide any benefit to your business. 

You need creative, informative and appealing visuals. Otherwise, many users prefer to skip commercials while streaming.

If you want to create effective videos for your marketing strategies, you need to come up with captivating content. Furthermore, hiring experienced video creators adds to the overall investment.

3. Videos are difficult to update

You can easily edit or update a blog. 

However, if you want to update videos then things are different as making minor changes is a challenge. 

Settings like clothes, season etc become less relevant over time. 

In other words, Video Clips are not Adaptable. Other content types can be modified effectively without spending much time. Therefore, you should plan your video marketing strategy and video content creation carefully.

4. Videos are not everyone’s cup of tea

Videos appeal to all your potential customers on all platforms. 

However, some users may not align with the video clips. 

Even today the number of people who like to read is very high. 

For example, users who are looking for a particular product, or people who are on your website for a specific reason, prefer text, instead of videos.

In such a situation, business cannot grow by focusing only on Video Marketing. 

Many times businessmen also face some challenges while implementing Digital Marketing Strategies. 

What are these Challenges and what precautions should be taken to avoid them, know in  this blog .

When Video Marketing as well as Complete Digital Marketing Strategies work together in sync, Marketing Efforts will definitely give better results. 

Video Marketing Agencies in USA
Video Marketing Agencies in USA

Conclusion – What is Video Marketing?

Video marketing can seem like an overwhelming process in the beginning. 

With a little patience and regular practice, you can create high-quality videos for your brand. 

Take it one step at a time, spend time learning the techniques of video marketing, and grow your business.

Incorporating videos into your online marketing strategies can bring positive results for your organization. 

Pick up your SmartPhone, Shoot a Video, Edit it, Focus on Story Telling and watch the Customer Engagement Rate soar. 

Apply creative ideas to meet your goals.

Video Marketing plays an important role in your Digital Marketing Campaigns. 

When you combine other strategies involved in digital marketing with video marketing, it can turn into a successful marketing campaign. 

Know what are these other Digital Marketing Strategies in  my Live Digital Marketing Webinar .

It is necessary to have the Zoom App to attend the Webinar, you can register by clicking on the button given below. 

See you in Webinar, Live. 

Check these also:-

Kunal Gaurav

👉 Kunal Gaurav, a prolific author behind the “Technosafar” Digital Marketing Blog, passionately delves into a diverse range of topics including SEO, Google Ads, SMO, SEM, SMM, Adsense, Affiliate Marketing, Hosting, Domain, and SEO Tools and Many More. With insightful expertise, Kunal crafts engaging posts that illuminate the intricate nuances of digital marketing, empowering readers to navigate the ever-evolving online landscape.